Tag: Complex PTSD

Tag: Complex PTSD

Tag: Complex PTSD

co-regulation in psychotherapy Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Complex PTSD Preverbal Memories Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Healing Childhood Trauma Early childhood traumatic events include experiences of neglect, feeling like you didn’t belong or were unwanted, or feeling chronically misunderstood. You might have grown up in a family where your parents had unresolved traumas of their own,

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The psychology of hate Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Shame in Complex PTSD-Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Freedom from Shame Childhood traumas can range from having faced extreme violence and neglect to having reckoned with feelings of not belonging, being unwanted, or feeling chronically misunderstood. You may have grown up in an environment where your curiosity and

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