Post Traumatic Stress Disorder results from a traumatic event that was experienced as overwhelming and therefore was unable to be processed by the client.
Symptoms of PTSD in Adults:
- Re-experiencing symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, or ongoing fear
- Avoiding situations that are reminders of the event
- Feeling numb, cut-off, or unable to remember parts of the traumatic event
- Feeling “keyed-up”, being easily startled, or having difficulty concentrating
- Feelings of hopelessness, shame, or despair
- Sleep problems
- Overtime, untreated PTSD can lead to relationship, employment, and drug or alcohol problems.
Read Marie’s story – An EMDR Case Study to learn more about the effects of this powerful treatment tool for PTSD.
Symptoms of PTSD in Children:
- Increased separation anxiety
- Trouble sleeping
- Nightmares
- Trouble with daytime or bed wetting even if previously toilet trained
- Trauma related play, drawings, or stories.
- Increased irritability or aggressive behaviors
- Concentration and Attention Problems
Read more about EMDR and the treatment of PTSD in children