Category: EMDR

Category: EMDR

Category: EMDR

Vagus Nerve disorders Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Resources for Trauma Recovery-Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Cultivating Peace in the Wake of Trauma Traumatic events disrupt life, leaving you feeling ungrounded, frightened, and often overwhelmed. Terrifying events strip you of your sense of safety. The experience of distressing or traumatic events is, to some degree, inevitable.

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Post traumatic growth

Post Traumatic Growth and Transformation-Dr. Arielle Schwartz

 Healing and Transformation Exposure to disturbing or traumatic life events is inevitable. Following these events, most people experience uncomfortable emotions and sensations such as grief, fear, anxiety, panic, anger, or depression. Initially, it is common to brace against these disorientating emotions. This

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Medications on the rise

Medications and the Mismanagement of PTSD

Psychotherapy vs. Medication Large scale, long term studies reveal that psychotherapy is as effective as medications, lasts longer than drug treatments, and avoids the harmful side effects. Despite growing evidence for the efficacy of psychotherapy, the use of therapy has

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