Tag: positive psychology

Tag: positive psychology

Tag: positive psychology

yoga for holiday stress Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Will and Surrender-Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Challenge and Ease I was in a yoga practice earlier this week engaged in a relatively uncomfortable hold in a deep lunge. Had I been practicing at home I might have avoided this posture all together or only stayed in

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Vagus Nerve disorders Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Resources for Trauma Recovery-Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Cultivating Peace in the Wake of Trauma Traumatic events disrupt life, leaving you feeling ungrounded, frightened, and often overwhelmed. Terrifying events strip you of your sense of safety. The experience of distressing or traumatic events is, to some degree, inevitable.

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Equanimity amidst Change-Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Finding Balance The only constant in life is change. This wisdom can be found across traditions. Ancient Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, illuminated the world with his scientific and philosophical understanding that “life is flux.” Within Buddhism we are reminded of the

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Gratitude Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Art and Soul-Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Grief and the Arts No one is immune to grief. Loss comes in many forms. We face personal losses in the endings of relationships, the deaths of loved ones, life changing illnesses or injuries. We face collective losses of war, terrorism,

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Resilient Parenting in Boulder, Colorado Dr Arielle Schwartz

Resilient Parenting-Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Growing Pains Life is beautiful…and difficult; a paradox that is almost always exacerbated when raising children. Parenting is a challenging career. Most jobs offer training and experience. However, when it comes to the job of parenting no proper job description

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Natural Vagus Stimulation Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Mind-Body Medicine-Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Mind and Body in Psychotherapy *Diane is not an actual person, but a composite of several clients Dr. Schwartz has seen over the past several years. Identifying details have been changed to protect their privacy. The treatments and outcomes are

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