Category: grief counseling

Category: grief counseling

Category: grief counseling

Coping with Climate Grief Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Coping with Climate Grief

A Backpacking Travelogue Alongside the ongoing weight of the global pandemic, another area of distress that is increasingly coming up for people is climate grief as we face fires, hurricanes with greater intensity or frequency or intensity, as well as

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Complex PTSD Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Unsettled-Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Adapting to Change I show up for work and sit with many people, face to face. Unlike most weeks when the theme is very personal; this week has been dominated by the impact of recent unsettling events on people’s lives and

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Gratitude Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Art and Soul-Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Grief and the Arts No one is immune to grief. Loss comes in many forms. We face personal losses in the endings of relationships, the deaths of loved ones, life changing illnesses or injuries. We face collective losses of war, terrorism,

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Letting Go Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Letting Go-Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Going Back Home Going home is complicated. Preparing for my trip home I felt familiar emotions, a mix of gladness and worry. Will I be seduced by my memories of who I once was? My young heart once ached for

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